Friday, October 11

...casual friday...

Yay! It's Friday! Usually that is not always cause for celebration considering I do not really have a weekend away from work, BUT...this week I do not have to work Sunday or Monday! Today though, I have to stay with Lola until five. It's rainy out and I'm sure she will not be thrilled to see me. She has gotten it in her head that I am very mean and bad and she likes to inform me of that...frequently. Yeah, I sure am the devil for buying her chocolate milk, reading stories to her, and never yelling. I know she's just four...I also know my future kids will probably do similar stuff, so why do I put up with it from a kid who is not even mine?! Grrr. What's frustrating is that she is lots of fun when she is happy. Okay, enough of work! Work be gone!!!
It's chilly, and rainy, and such a great day for cuddling with your husband under a quilt and laughing. That's where I will be mentally all day. I am going to stay in the space of warmth and hot beverages and good books and kisses and cats. In reality I'll be patrolling the streets, on the lookout for smiles. Tough assignment on a day such as today.

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