Monday, December 30

...mama don't take my kodachrome away...

Been a long time away from a computer and time. Holidays were interesting to say the least. We saw a fair amount of people in Kansas, but not nearly everyone we would have liked to. Lack of time, transportation, and...well, time. We did have some memorable ones though, like Ponak's with Cynthia, Ross, and Heather. The CD Cynthia gave me for Christmas got permanently stuck in Heather's car player...oops! Bummer for both of us. Our first night Jer hung out with Johnny and Joe! Good thing they came inside when they dropped Jer off. Joe knows good husband/wife relations. We also made and decorated cookies with our favorite flower girl Anna, her mama, and her awesome aunt and cousins. Anna was very wired that night, and she gave us amazing gifts she picked out all on her own! How many almost four year olds would pick out a Bob Marley T for Jeremy because they used to listen to him with Jer when they were a baby! That same day we saw Kris and Joanna and baby Nora, who is soooo wonderful. Loni came along for the fun too! Then there was the get-together that kept growing...Kristen, Becky, Pat, Jenny Bany, Em, Wendy, and Wendy's man. KB, B, Pat, and JB, and us all went to Sahara first for a lovely meal, then headed to the O.P. branch of the Peanut where we drank, talked, and had a proper adult good time. Em and all met us there. Come to find out, Jer used to date Wendy's older sis! What an odd small world (or just small town) That night was good. And of course...last, but most definitely not least...was family time! We stayed with my Ma, and had some good times, but not nearly as many as we should have. She really went to town on creating a wonderful Christmas! We saw Daddad a couple's hard seeing him sooo much older now...every time I visit...we saw Dad, had some dinner with him, hung out...and we actually played with Piper and Nick quite a lot! Casual Friday...that's all I'm saying. One reason we got to see them more was our flight back to NY was canceled right as we got to the airport. Luckily they live up North! So, we spent an extra night and morning with them. Unfortunately, I was getting over the stomach bug that attacked me during Christmas Eve night. We had opened presents already though! I just wasn't fun to be around, and I passed the bug on to Daddad briefly and Jeremy (he's still getting over it) Oh! I also got in a pleasant quick chat with aunt Pat and uncle Gary. Lovely time had by all.
To: Ann, Christine, Evan, Teresa, Hugo, Ana, Jenny O, Matt, Jon, Angie and Thom (well Jer saw you briefly) and everyone else we did not see...we are sorry, and wish we could have seen you all. We really do miss you and will be back at the end of July. Please don't hate us :)
Oh! and to Jer's family that we missed seeing because of our flight being canceled same to you. We love you and are sorry we missed out on fun.
Everyone take care and have a good New Year's.


Monday, December 16

...makin' plans stan...

So, no strike thus far. It is still a possiblity, but who knows what will happen. Regular work-a-day
for moi.

On the other hand...we are filling our schedule in K.C. very quickly. I know we are going to piss somebody off because we won't be able to see them, but...sorry. We have no car there, plus we need family time. We are moving back soon enough anyway.

I'm excited...we are going to decorate the tree when we get back in town. When I was in high school/college, I was always too busy to dedicate a lot of time to do this, though I loved helping when I was little. But now, it is exciting again. My mom said she already put the lights and garlands up, so that leaves the best parts for us! Ornaments and tinsel. We have some very unusual ornaments, as well as some normal ones. There are the various ones that have either my sister or my name on it or our picture. And of course, the solid colored balls. But...we also have santa playing tennis (my mom can't stand him!), a little clingy panda, mini stockings that always have fun flavored gum put in them, homemade candy cane reindeer, the gold angels that when my sister was little she ate one of their heads, the totally 70's looking birds (made with brightly colored yarn), southwesty ones, antique-y ones, plastic baby on a cotton ball in half a walnut shell (it's supposed to be baby Jesus - I made it in preschool), and best of all the gold, green, magenta, silver glittery pointy thing that for some reason reminds me of the Kremlin that goes on top of the tree.
Oh! Don't forget the bubble lights!
I love our tree. It has so much going on...

Friday, December 13

...(chanting) strike,strike,strike,strike...

There may be a transit strike in New York within a couple of days. I have mixed emotions about this. I definitely want workers to strike if a deal is not made, because everyone should be making good wages, plus the MTA are a bunch of scammers who apparently have no money currently, yet people riding public transportation is way up. Money mismanagement? Most likely. Plus a strike will create an interesting situation that I secretly desire to be played out so I may watch and kind of participate in.
On the other many people rely on public transportation, and it's going to get ugly out there with extra-huge traffic jams, even pissier people (which I cannot handle), and who knows what else. Such a delicate strike or not to strike? You gotta do what you gotta do. I don't think I will personally be troubled much if it happens. As long as we can make it to the airport Wednesday in a timely manner (cross your fingers for no delays and great weather!)
Oh! Another thing...the news has totally been hyping up how horrible this will be and even dragged in the 'ol terroism plea (that this would be a perfect opportunity for it) It seems like someone is maybe in bed with the MTA and trying to scare those transit workers...Also...the union leader is very cool. That's all.

...lament for counter space and time...

I wish I had a kitchen with lots of counter space and cubbies to store things. I would be able to unbox my AWESOME mixer and quisinart, as well as use our other fun gadgets in a much easier fashion than we can now. And I wish for time in order to make the things I have dreaming of making great-Grandma Birdie's (passed to me from my Grandma) Swedish pecans, Fafa's (my Mom's Mom's father) caramels, a very belated super-chocolately birthday cake for Jeremy, biscuits of all kinds, pies out the wazoo, and all those other glorious baked goods that Martha Stewart wants me to make...Sigh. Soon...first we gotta clean those dishes...

Tuesday, December 10

...the rush...

Saturday morning I ventured out to the Union Square holiday market/farmer's market. I spent most of my time at the latter. I purchased a cup of hot spiced grape juice (so good!) to warm my hands. There were potatoes of all kinds, knobby carrots, fresh herbs, wintery veggies, fresh eggs, goat cheese, farmer's cheese, jams, jellies, and pickles, and mountains of baked goods. The smells were overwhelming. I love just walking around farmer's markets.

We leave for Kansas City a week from this Wednesday! Home...well, one of them. This time of year always seems to fly by easier than the rest. Lots of diversions I guess.

Tuesday, December 3

...are these those times...

Isn't it amazing that a simple CD can bring back such a rush of times, happy times, but now it just makes you almost kind of sad...I am alone in my apartment in Brooklyn on a Tuesday night, my feet are freezing regardless of how much blanket I wrap around them, and all I can think of listening to this music are friends who are no longer a part of my daily or even semi-daily routine. We are still friends...things just get busy, and no one lives nearby anymore...will this change when we move back to Kansas City? Or will I just long for Adam Kuban to leave a kooky message, or to see Corrie B at work, and to hang out with Adam and Angela, or to eat Chinese food with Bea? Don't get me wrong...even though I get wistful at times, I love now. I wouldn't trade any of my time with Jeremy for all the candy, or mixed tapes, or other great things in the world. He is so...sigh.(good sigh)

So, I am enjoying my time here as much as possible. I've been worrying too much lately. I forget that that has not worked for me in the past, so why should I bother to let it gain force now. My biggest concern for tomorrow...find my mittens, because my hands damn near froze today! That cold reached right into my teeth and shook all the way through every bone. It's sneaky, that cold.

Wow...the CDs just switched (from Tori to Tool!) Now I am in high school, in my room, painting my sandals and whatever else I can get my hands on. A cup of tea, my own phone line, incense, a stereo...or it could be me now, considering I still listen to Tool all the time!

Yay...Jeremy walked in from tunin' class. Screw you guys! Just kidding... can you believe his classes are over next Tuesday? Maybe you didn't even know that...or maybe...
I'm a total freak!

Alright, sorry to leave you for my man, but he's distracting and I like to hang out with him. Adios.

Sunday, December 1


Orion was shooting his arrow to the heavens last night as we headed back East.


Our Thanksgiving trek was great. It was nice to get away even if for a couple of days. Joan had her veggie lasagna just coming out of the oven when we arrived on Wednesday night. So, we had a nice dinner, and just hung out. Rachel and I had a fun time painting nails and chatting. Thursday, we drove to Meade, Alan, Lucas, and Liam's farm in South Haven. Ahhhh. An invigorating walk and talk, good food, board games, no responsibilities. Jeremy and I spent the night at their place, while Joan and Rachel stayed in town. In the morning, I helped Alan take one of the cars in to town for a tune up. Then we made our way back, and Alan whipped up his wonderful blueberry waffles. Unfortunately, we had to leave after that to go back to Detroit, but it was the first night of Hanukkah, so Joan made latkes and applesauce (with ginger in it!) and we ate some leftovers too. We exchanged prensents and played dreidel, which is a fun game (especially if the dreidel isn't rigged.) So...there's a lot to be thankful for. Thanks to all my new family...I love you all very much...and thanks to all my own know I love you tons as well.