Saturday, January 31

...another weekend another storm...

So tonight we are supposedly in for at least 6 inches of snow, and possibly ice before that. THEN, as if that weren't enough, it is going to snow another 6 inches on Sunday. Well...bring it on! I got some grocery shopping done yesterday, I have new art supplies to play with, and new goals to work towards, my husband is here, our cats are here, we have books, movies, and plenty of entertainment. Come on storm! **just don't knock the power out** please!
...mount up...

The other day I was headed out to my car to warm it up so I could chip off the thick layer of ice coating it. It was maybe 10 in the morning, but very quiet outside. As I reached the sidewalk, I had this sinking feeling, and felt as if suddenly huge men coated in furs, and riding Shire horses were going to turn on to our street off of Oak, and start riding towards me. I could almost hear the ram's horn being blown for battle call. I quickened my pace to get to the car in time. Once I unlocked the door, I realized I was totally irrational. It just had that feeling everyone was gone, and I didn't know it yet, and there are roaming bands of Vikings or something.
Maybe I shouldn't read and watch movies so much...

Sunday, January 25 norther a comin'...

Yesterday there was mass fear of a terrible ice storm, possibly to rival the bad one a couple of years ago that had power out all throughout the metro for a week. This morning when I woke up, there was ice covering everything, but not any more than some previous freezing rain we have already had this season. Regardless, I haven't set one toe outside today...chilly, and no place I have to go.

We received organic seeds in the mail yesterday for our upcoming gardening adventure. Since it will be our first year, we are trying not to be overly ambitious - scarlet nantes carrots, de cicco broccoli, sugar snap snow peas, lettuce/mustard green mix, spinach, brandywine slicing tomatos, yellow pear cherry tomatos, scallions, and tomatillos. Plus I think we will be doing a herb selection: dill, oregano, basil, mint, chives, cilantro...maybe more. There is a lot of work ahead of us, but I think it will be a beneficial endeavor.

I am getting very excited for the weddings that are coming up! Meleah and Peter were in town a week ago to work on some of their wedding plans, and we, along with Jenny, Pat, Julie, and Carrie had a racous evening of eating and drinking. I think their wedding is going to be fabulous. Christine and Evan's wedding planning is in full swing, as is Cynthia and Ross's. It is really interesting to see how different everyone's approach is to getting married.

Friday, January 16


Yesterday the dental hygenist who was getting ready to work on my teeth said that I had to take out my tongue ring. I have had it over seven years, and had never taken it out, even for the dentist. I went along with her, and she insisted that I would still be able to get it back in.
She took the full set of x-rays...didn't get it back...the doctor did his exam...didn't get it back...she spent an hour cleaning and flossing my teeth all the while lecturing me on how I should really floss, and had I heard that tongue rings can cause severe damage to one's it back after all of that. She shooed me into the bathroom to put it back in. I could only get it partway in...the top hole had already healed. Sigh.
I had been considering taking it out, but I wanted it to be my decision. Ah well. If I had cared more I suppose I would have put up a fuss, and not taken it out in the first place. more tongue ring. I keep feeling for it, and am surprised when it is not there. My tongue misses it...though now it can curl into a taco shape again.

The hygenist also said after she had finished throughly scraping the plaque from my teeth, "How much coffee do you drink?"
Oh great I want to take my coffee away too?! "Not more than a cup a day, if even that" I replied.
"Are there a lot of grounds in your coffee?"
"No (puzzled)"
"Well I found some black powdery looking stuff just underneath your gumline. Do you know what it could be?"
Just then the lightbulb clicked on. It was the monkey brand tooth powder that my mom...uh, I mean Santa...left in Jeremy's stocking. It's an Ayurvedic tooth powder from India, and it is indeed very black, and I had used it just before I went there...must not have rinsed well. I told her about it, and her face kind of twisted into semi-disgust, then she asked in a very condescending manner, "Does it have flouride in it?"
"You really shouldn't probably use it then. Is there any reason you are?"
"It's refreshing!"

I like my dentist a lot. I'm just not so sure about that hygenist.

...scritch scratch blues...

Jeremy has a bit of a cold, and I believe it may be starting to pass to me. So far though, I think my latest trend of exercising regularly, and eating a bit healthier than usual may be keeping it at bay. I have a lot more energy from the workouts...yay!

Today is gray and rainy. I should really get a job, otherwise I am going to spend my life sleeping late, and padding around the house. It's just so hard to motivate when the sun doesn't shine. Blah, blah, blah...:)

Monday, January 5 of the new year...

I was perusing today's newspaper at our neighborhood coffee shop this morning, when my eyes ran over an article about the possible colon cancer fighting properties of drinking coffee. Yay! I knew there had to be something redeeming health-wise with coffee, otherwise why would it taste so damn good!

Before I found myself in the coffee shop, I had been outside walking back from the gas station where I dropped my car. There is a real light snow lazily making it's way down to earth, and melded pellets of ice coat the sidewalks and trees. The branches look so beautiful trapped inside those icy shells. They crack like old bones though, if you run into them.

The holidays were good to us. We felt fortunate to be able to spend so much time with some family and friends. Lots of folks in town for awhile. Lots of good food, though my jeans seem to be more loose than ever...hmmm...unusual.