Tuesday, November 2

..."the most beautiful boogeyman"...

The flying guardians of Kansas City have returned to perch above us all in their wooden palaces. They keep an eye on the unwinding boulevards, and are tempted to flight by secretive, scurrying leaves. The crows watch me head to work, and then meet me there. I watch them through heavy glass doors, silently swaying in the treetops until disturbed into a cawing flurry. Maybe they are here to help usher those who passed in the last year into the next step. Or maybe winter cannot come until they have arrived. It does seem that the leaves are giving up more quickly this year...The weather folk say frost is lurking nearby.


reading: "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" and "Oryx and Crake"
listening to lately: "Medula" by Bjork, the latest Mos Def w/Black Jack Johnson cd...can't remeber the title, "Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd, the leaves slipping off of the trees and tumbling down the streets, huffy cat grunts
eating: lots of Halloween candy, whatever yumminess comes across my path
working on: another drawing that incorporates lungs, cleaning my studio and the house in general, putting together the puzzle of dates and names that is family history
excited about: the fact that soon there will be no more phone calls reminding me to vote, how nights have been feeling lately, elmwood cemetery, being an aunt, greeting each day
anxious about:the large, painful zit on my neck, or as I like to call it...plague
sad about: nothing in particular...I just get periodic washes of melancholia, which I don't mind
anrgy about: eh...not much...I'm trying to appreciate everything for what it is...plus some days there is just too much I read in the news that makes me angry that I just have to shut it off
curious about: the election outcome, when it is going to snow, who is America's Next Top Model

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