Sunday, November 28,thundersnow,and fun...

Tuesday night as we were hanging out upstairs it began to snow. We noticed it wasn't really sticking, and continued on chatting and taking in some cable. A little while later we decided to look out the windows again. was starting to collect a bit. As I was drifting into sleep, HUGE bursts of thunder and lightning filled the room! Thundersnow! When I woke up the next morning, I made my way downstairs, threw opened the blinds to our bedroom window, and yelled,"Oh fuck!"
A very large part of Barb's pear tree had fallen on top of the fence and was jutting about five feet into our yard (right over the herb garden!) It had pulled her electrical and phone lines dangerously close to the ground. I looked up, and saw the branches that have been starting to intermingle among our own power lines were getting a little too close for comfort.
So...our power only was out for an hour on Thanksgiving, the snow melted rapidly, the tree is still in our yard, but getting taken away tomorrow, my Mom's power was off and on all day Wednesday and caused some transfering of food (great turkey transfer of '04), but ulitmately we had Thanksgiving at her place on Thursday.

Joan and Rachel made it safely in Wednesday evening while I was at work. I came home to a lovely evening of bbq tofu, baked beans, jalapeno/cheddar cornbread, and salad provided by Jer. We sat around the dining room table talking, then I fell asleep with Jeremy rubbing my head in his front of his Mom...that could sound dirty, but it wasn't. We are all sugar and innocence here.
Thursday, Joan and I both awoke early-ish and made biscuits and cranberry sauce, then some breakfast for us and the lazy bones still in bed. She and I had a nice walk around Waldo/Brookside, and returned in time so that I could make fruit salad before heading to my Ma's around 3:00. The evening was filled with good food, conversation, and much laughter.
Friday I had the honor of being at work from 10am-7pm. It was dead a good portion of the day, but Jer and Rachel stopped in for a visit, and Andrew (co-worker) and I worked on projects and danced around all day. I discoverd that the Cross-Stitch show got a little write up in The Pitch and my work was mentioned! Jer, Joan, and Rachel picked me up, and we indulged in a wonderful Ethiopian dinner. Drool. After we got home, an old friend of Joan's came over. We just hung out in the living room drinking wine, and talking.
Saturday was more work, seeing Joan and Rachel off, and then over to Matt and Mary's for curry and hanging out with Thom before he leaves for his possibly year-long cross-country excursion in his VW van.

Hoping everyone had a nice holiday...

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