Tuesday, October 12

...da dum. da - dum. dum dum dum dum dum dum dum (poorly imitated Jaws music)...

It is oh-so-grey and chilled outside, and soon Jer is taking me to get shot up with novacaine, have my mouth pryed to it's limits, and have my only wisdom stolen from my head...I need those smarts! I don't know why I have been getting so nervous about this. It used to be old hat to get teeth pulled, but now it has been about nine or ten years, so I am a bit on edge. All will be fine. All will be fine.

The front of the house is covered with spider webs (real and fake!), I obtained a grape vine arc wreath and attached jack-o-lantern, ghost, and bat cutouts to it (along with more spider web), the paper skeletons are striking jaunty poses on the front door, there are some ghost window decals up, and the shiny pumpkin and bat garland are snaking around the step railing. We seem to be the only folks decorating for Halloween on our block. Come on people!

Two nights ago I made one of the Martha recipes...red potato, salmon, and leek gratin with a rye bread, dill, horseradish topping. Jeremy doubted it the whole time it was cooking...he kept inquiring about the ludafisk(sp?) casserole...sicko. Once it hit his mouth though, he cleaned his bowl as quickly as I did! Thanks M.S. for your tasty recipes.

The cats are being crazy!!! They are complaining all the time about wanting more food, and...I'm not sure what else. They are being endless meow and scratch factories! Of course, as I am typing this, Frank is resting calmly in my lap, and Bones is on the floor next to us delicately cleaning himself. Sure...look good in front of other people...:)

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