Friday, October 8

...bits and pieces...

So...Jer and I drove to Columbia on Tuesday night to catch The Pixies in concert! They are one of my all time favorite bands, and I was particularly thrilled that they played one of my favorite songs...Caribou. Whoever the band was before them (obviously not memorable if I can't even recall their name)...were not so hot...they weren't even tepid. Hearnes Stadium was the easiest venue to get to, park, find our seats, go to the bathroom (I was the only one in the bathroom), buy a cheap pretzel, watch the show, and leave. The Pixies were just great...they played solid, not even with chit chat in between, for just under two hours!

In other news...
It is that time of year again when our house is at a much chillier temperature than it even is outside. That makes it very hard to motivate oneself out of the nest of flannel sheets, thick blankets, and tangled limbs in the morning.

The perennial herb garden is fully planted, and edged by bricks...thyme, lemon balm, kentucky mint, rosemary, and garlic chives...there will be more next year, and of course in the spring the planting of veggies and annuals.

To finish up this week...getting mentally prepared for the removal of my only wisdom tooth next Tuesday, hanging Halloween decorations on the house, balance the check book, work on some drawings.

We have started the process of going through Daddad's house and deciding who will take what, and what we will either sell or donate. It is hard dividing up someone's life...then I think down the road, and ultimately everything gets endlessly divided, because I know I'm not taking anything with me! I miss Daddad a makes me miss Dad too.

I have some recipes that I have found, and want to try out soon : corn zuchinni fritters, cheddar cheese pie crust (for use with apple pie), Salsa di Parmigiano, and...I won't bore you with the rest. Fall is when I break out my garlic soup...must make soon.'s my birthday month. There has been no celebrating yet...but that's okay. ;) I think we are pretty much keeping it to the family celebration, but Jer and I might get a nice hotel room the night of my birthday. 26...that's not so bad at all.

Tonight...debate night...apparently during the last Presidential debate Waldo Pizza was flooded with orders. It is good to know that people are staying home and taking it all in.

1 comment:

s said...

Yay! I'm glad Morgan liked the Halloween card. My Grandma used to always send me cards for it, so I saw that one, and thought it was perfect for Miss Morgan.

We should get together sometime and cook a grand feast...yum.