Friday, January 28

...weekend update...

Jeremy and I have had an abundant social calendar to attend to lately, so I haven't had as much leisure time...well, leisure time by myself! I don't feel super write-y right now, but Rick requested an update!
Yesterday was my day off so how did I spend it? First I met with the historian at Elmwood Cemetery (the oldest cemetery in K.C....very interesting.) Far-back generations of my family are buried there, so I had gathered some info/photos for him to take a look at. He just about fell over with some of the stuff...sweet! After purusing some graves, I headed off to my Mom's house to help go through stuff in my old room and clean it out. We need a spot to move all the family history items from my Daddad's to. Most of the things left in that room were from high school. Last night, after returning home from a show at the info shop, Jer and I shared our deepest poetry that we had written in our younger years. It was pretty funny. I also found lots of old art, casette tapes, books, bizzare items, and one lonely flavored condom from when I used to volunteer at Condom Crusaders. is a funny story that you may or may not know about me.

When I was a senior in high school, I ocassionally volunteered at Condom Crusaders putting together the little sample packs that they gave away when they spoke to groups. It included one lubed condom, one non-lubricated, a little tube of lubricant, and an info packet that contained proper condom usage, safe-sex tips, how to clean needles if you have to share one, etc. a volunteer, we could have as many condoms as we wanted. In the offerings were many flavored ones...grape, strawberry, banana, cola, etc. I took some of each flavor. Now, it is none of your business as to whether or not I was using them for their intended purpose, but I did have one totally lame moment with them. It was a Friday or Saturday night, and I happened to not be going out. I was up in my room, listening to music, doing whatever. Suddenly I wondered, "Do those flavored condoms really taste like what they say they will?" I proceeded to unwrap each one and take a couple of licks. After a bit I realized how totally lame I was...alone, licking flavored condoms. Dork.

1 comment:

s said...

They tasted like latex with really terrible fake flavoring lightly added. Not very good.