Tuesday, January 4

...back in black...

We returned home from our jaunt to Michigan safe and sound on Sunday. We had a very relaxing, fun trip hanging out with Alan, Meade, and Liam (Lucas, unfortunately, had to work the whole time.) There was a lot of hiking, reading, playing of skittle, sleeping, drinking wine, and eating fantastic food - much of which was made by Alan. Our New Year celebration consisted of spending the day hiking with Alan, Meade, and Jer...eating a late lunch, going to see "Ocean's Twelve" with Jer and Liam, then returning from the movie about 11:45pm to find dinner almost ready. At midnight we had a champagne toast, then feasted on lake trout encrusted with a ground nut concoction, steamed asparagus, challah, and fried potatoes. So good...
Jer and I decided that we enjoy the idea of midnight dinner every New Year's Eve!

So...thank you Meade, Alan, and Liam for your generous hospitality. We had a wonderful time as always.

Otherwise...Christmas was good. There was much celebrating and festive activities. I worked a bunch, then we left, now we are back, and it was right back to work! Good friend Mandylan is in town, so I got to hang out with her yesterday. Currently we are right in the grip of an ice storm. Please chant amongst yourselves that no tree brances will crash through our house, onto our cars, or tear down our power lines! Yay! So far, so good...we are warm, and Jeremy is creating dinner as I type. Yum. Hope everyone is happy, healthy, and filled with love for their fellow earth inhabitants.

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