Wednesday, February 25


Work is good! Busy bee, busy bee. I am enjoying my job immensely - the familiar faces who come in, the variety of materials, questions, and having things to do! Yay this job! I hope my feelings for it continue in this vein.

It has been a good past week...both Jeremy and I have reconnected with seemingly lost friends, I've started a new book - "The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings" and have a couple waiting behind the curtain - "The Red Tent" and "Gravity's Rainbow." The food I've been eating has felt very healthy, and I have been exercising regularly. We once again have fixings for White Russians in the house. We had multiple days in a row of 60 or so degree weather...the snow is all gone, and the birds are out in record numbers. Yesterday at the bank, a gaggle of Canadian geese were taking their sweet time walking along the drive that leads to the teller windows. I watched a woman just wait helplessly in her car until they meandered past. They were actually headed for a specific sidewalk, and walked along it, not going into the grass!

Here is a shout out to future neice...Happy Birthday! You look great for your age!

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