Monday, April 28

...ebay binge...

I formed a very bad habit today, but luckily I have restricted it to today. Right now I have three packages from various ebay seller headed my way. All were cheap (the most expensive being $35 w/shipping) and they should be good...One is a set of 8 National Geographic magazines from 1935, one of which is for June. In the June issue is a picture of my Grandmother as a bridesmaid for a West Point wedding. People actually used to recognize her from it due to her flaming red hair!! Another package contains Pee-Wee Herman trading cards, tatoos, stickers, and masks. Fun! And last but not least is a package of Victorian era (though a fair amount actually is not of that time) papers - maps, books, pamphlets, certificates, ration books, post, coins, a letter opener made of bone, sugar tongs and a few other bizarre things. Surprise! That's it for least for now. No more till we have a house!

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