Friday, March 14

...the weekend approacheth...

I absolutely adore Fridays! No one is allowed to be in a bad least I'm never allowed! I never feel like it. They are somehow always sunnier, put a little more skip in your step. Work should be good...Christine is usually hyper and will jump around with me or play bumper cars with the big roll-y cushions we have (uhh...we only do it on Sundays though! boss!) Ron is there and makes you just want to stand around and talk. Rich is usually goofy. Michelle is in a good mood. And Lola is always good on Fridays because if she has all of her stars for the week she gets a small toy! Then, Jeremy is cooking an Indian feast tonight! I finally found a store that sells the onion relish that I ADORE and can endlessly eat. So...bought a container - fresh- bought some nan...have the simmer sauce of a saag persuasion waiting for some veggies and tofu to be added. Have the frozen samosa and the lovely onion relish, tamarind sauce, and mango chutney to be poured liberally on whatever it calls for. Mmmm...then it's printmaking time! Joy. Hope your Fridays are filled with fun people and good food as well.

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