Sunday, November 3 cross buns...

On Halloween, after I dropped Lola off with her Mama, I was doing my usual walk on 23rd street back to the F stop station. When I get there, the train is pulling up, so I am rushing to get through the turnstile which keeps telling me I am swiping my card too quickly. Finally, through the turnstile, and of course the trains doors are shut. So I plunk my stuff down on a bench, when miraculously the conductor is nice enough to open the doors again! I dive in, and get settled into a seat. After a couple moments, I notice a guy sitting on the sideway seats across from me, and it looks like it is Seth, Lola's Dad. I can only see half of his face, and his wrist tattoo and ring finger are covered up. Alas, I can't bring myself to say anything. He gets off at the next stop, never seeing me (and it was him by the way). This brings me to thinking about awareness and also just invisioning how close we are to people we know and they have no clue. What I mean,I guess, is those times you realize you've been on the same train as a friend - or what about all those times it happens and neither of you have a clue. Or just thinking sometimes, wow...there is an apartment somewhere in this mess of a city that contains my husband, and cats, and things. Or that miles away my Mom is going about her business.
Hmmm...I don't think I am clearly translating my thoughts into words. I guess it's not a particularly weird phenomenon...sometimes the universe just hits me over the head and it's all very strange.

...a public service announcement...

Yesterday, Jeremy and I were walking to a little movie theater near our place. We were approaching the corner right by our house when I became aware of the sizeable group of birds perched on the wires above that particular corner. I commented about it to Jeremy, and we chatted a little about peolple getting pooped on. Then we were waiting for the light...under those birds...I looked up...thinking,"I wonder how often birds poop..."...I look at the ground and notice all of the stains there. Right as I think, "Damn" and the light changes, I feel something hit my left arm. That's right, we turned around so I could go change jackets due to the bird poop streaked down my arm - and luckily nowhere else! Can you believe that! Needless to say, we did not stand on that corner when we returned...

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