Thursday, April 7

...boppin' along...

Today is...grey, but that is okay. Knowing the wild K.C. weather, it is likely to change to extreme heat and sunshine at any point. I hope it rains more though, because it is good for the plants. The perennial herb garden I put in in the fall is popping up like crazy. We have mint and lemon balm coming out of our ears already! I've been enjoying the endless singing of at least 15 different birds, as well as the scattering of bunnies and squirels every time I step outside.

Jeremy is sick. Sad face. Nothing too serious, but he sleeps more than usual...which is a lot!! I have to be nice and not harass him with song and dance routines like I normally do. I made some tortilla soup the other night though, which should hopefully aid in his recovery. I had never cooked with raw chicken before! It turned out good...I just washed my hands a little compulsively.

I am procrastinating from cleaning up my studio. I want too, yet I don't want to face it because it is so hopelessly filled with junk!!! Alright...just another cup of coffee and I'll go freak out on that room. are going good - busy, busy, we have a date set for the estate sale at my Daddad's which is a motivator for getting stuff done, Piper is like a parade balloon and the time for delivery is creeping closer!, we and the cats are well fed, watered, and happy so there isn't really anything to complain about!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get better, bro!

I hear elf songs are a wonderful cure-all.