Saturday, December 18

...under pressure...

Man...people are getting a little too nutty out there. I really do not enjoy trying to get any sort of shopping done this time of year be it groceries or gifts. People are super-hyped up on consuming...I start to see them just as giant suck-holes bent on obtaining as much as they can in a short amount of time. Especially working retail you get to experience just how much the holidays can turn people into real jerks. Sigh. I just want to grab people and smack them...breathe damnit! Remember, it should not be about getting things. I would be perfectly happy just to have leisurely time with family and worrying about work, or bills...eating good food, and laughing. Presents are nice, but they don't have to exist.

Okay...just had to get that off of my chest, because I am starting to not want to leave the house!

In other news...things are pretty good. Jer's been getting a bunch of tunings, I am working more hours at Utrecht which is not a bad thing, it hasn't been too cold, we discovered a new favorite breakfast spot within walking distance from the house ('bout a mile,) I'm re-reading "The Red Tent," we have been eating well, Piper and Nick get to find out in a couple of days if they are having a boy or girl!, the kitties are snuggly and cute (though can be scratch-masters at night,)...I don't is just moving on as it should.

If I don't get around to it again...Happy Holidays of all kinds to everyone.
P.S. Hey Josh and Julie...we got invited to a Solstice party for Tuesday night, so we will be celebrating too!

1 comment:

s said...

Your welcome in advance! We are greedily awaiting your package, because I believe that it will contain yumminess. If not...that's okay. :) I don't want to be a suck-hole.