Tuesday, June 29

...raindrops keep falling on my head...

We had a mini-vacation of camping this past weekend, for Evan and Christine's bachelor/bachelorette party. It was at the same group site by Clinton lake that Jer and I had our b/b party at two years ago!
Here is a perfect example of how nice Jer is...Friday he arrived at the campground around 4:00 to pick up the key to the gate. I could not leave until 8:00 due to working, so I didn't even arrive until close to 9:30. Jeremy knew approximately when I would get there, so he had food on the grill for me that was ready about 10 minutes after my arrival! Plus the tent was all set up (though we ended up experimenting with sleeping in the truck that first night...quite cozy.) What a sweetheart.

It was a good trip, though we got rained on heavily Sunday morning...kind of a bummer way to end a nice weekend, but it worked out. The rest of the time was gorgeous and there was swimming, night sailing, crazy kids running around, fires, smores, drunken 14-year-old antics, who-can-hold-their-hand-in-ice-longer competition (I was part of that...I can get a little competitive), much eating of food (there was even pork satay with peanut sauce + roasted jalapenos courtesy of Noy and Aaron!), funny campfire conversations, ticks, and much, much more.

Otherwise...Jer and I are up to the usual.
The anniversary celebration was a sucess! We stuffed ourselves at La Bodega on tapas (I even tried anchovies!), beverages (port for Jer, wine for me), dessert (the best flan ever!!! + pear tart), and coffee (regular 'ol coffee for the Mr. and flaming Spanish coffee for myself...invision a sugar rimmed glass filled with Bacardi 151, set on fire, then having cinnamon sprinkled into the flames...they are extinguished by coffee, kahluha, and whipped cream...then it is devoured by a roly-poly Stacy.) Mmm...

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