Sunday, January 25 norther a comin'...

Yesterday there was mass fear of a terrible ice storm, possibly to rival the bad one a couple of years ago that had power out all throughout the metro for a week. This morning when I woke up, there was ice covering everything, but not any more than some previous freezing rain we have already had this season. Regardless, I haven't set one toe outside today...chilly, and no place I have to go.

We received organic seeds in the mail yesterday for our upcoming gardening adventure. Since it will be our first year, we are trying not to be overly ambitious - scarlet nantes carrots, de cicco broccoli, sugar snap snow peas, lettuce/mustard green mix, spinach, brandywine slicing tomatos, yellow pear cherry tomatos, scallions, and tomatillos. Plus I think we will be doing a herb selection: dill, oregano, basil, mint, chives, cilantro...maybe more. There is a lot of work ahead of us, but I think it will be a beneficial endeavor.

I am getting very excited for the weddings that are coming up! Meleah and Peter were in town a week ago to work on some of their wedding plans, and we, along with Jenny, Pat, Julie, and Carrie had a racous evening of eating and drinking. I think their wedding is going to be fabulous. Christine and Evan's wedding planning is in full swing, as is Cynthia and Ross's. It is really interesting to see how different everyone's approach is to getting married.

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