Friday, October 25

...hidden moments...

The other night, around nine o'clock, I was walking down ninth street in our neighborhood. It was chilly, so I was trying to move fast, plus look slightly tough in case anyone wanted to mess with me. Then I noticed an older man standing in his little front cement garden space that we have here, except he wasn't just standing...he was doing tai chi! It was so beautiful. He was aligning himself with this crazy town! You have to be creative about finding your own space here to be quiet and relax.

...L-O-L-A LOLA...

Lola says some awfully funny things to me in our travels. Jeremy got to experience them recently, because he came to work with me on Monday. Here are some examples: We were on the bus, and she was sitting on her silly putty egg pretending to be a Mama bird when suddenly she yells, cracking up while saying it, " The egg rolled under my VAGINA!" She's very into talk like that (she's four) We were talking to a man in the park who had a dog, and he was asking Lo about her dog...she was just telling him whatever, but then declared that her dog has a penis that he licks!'s true! She also stated the other day while waiting for the bus,"Where's the damn bus!" I said, "Lo-la..." and she very calmly explained to me that it's okay because some people say that sometimes...true again, I could not argue. One last thing...she sings perfectly the song Lola AND The Velvet Underground song I'm Sticking With You (which is one that Jer and I sing together) Her parents have great taste in music.

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