...'round the campfire...
Last night, Jeremy met Corrie and I at our place of business so we could all go out to dinner. So...we did that! Then Corrie came home with us and she treated our ears with some music she is going to record for fun. She strummed the guitar and sang, while Jeremy accompanied her on the mandolin. After awhile, I joined in singing when they just started playing random songs. I like to harmonize. It was so much fun! I love having live music in the house. I think it is so important to sing, play musical instruments, and dance. It can really lift your spirits.
You know what? I've been purchasing really fun postcards lately. I hope to actually fill them out and send them on their way to new homes soon. Of course soon probably means Thanksgiving...I have found some great stores just on my daily walks that sell amazing postcards. Maybe one will come your way...whoever is out there. Speaking of walking, Jeremy did the math and discovered that Tuesday through Friday I walk at least 3.5 miles, and the other days, probably only a mile or two. So how come my tummy isn't shrinking!? Oh yeah, I like food. Actually, I do feel healthier in some ways. Walking is so fantastic. So many dogs, a crazy-quilt of people, endless asphalt, hole-in-the-wall stores, unpredictable weather...
Yeah, so get out there and walk around some. Oh, and you can send me postcards too if you want.*wink, blush*
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