...the streets of new york...
Yesterday was a particularly smelly day here in good 'ol NY. I'm not sure why exactly, but I smelled a much wider variety of fragrances than I normally do. On the subway was some man who had the odor of that cherry-flavored putty stuff they use to make dental molds. Wonder what he does at home! I think I also caught traces of Rodenticide in the air. On the street was the normal multiple types of exhaust, food smells (baked goods, honey-roasted nuts, burning soft pretzels...) as well as leaves burning somewhere. Isn't that pretty much illegal everywhere, but so many people do it! I also took in a snort full of someone smoking a joint on my way into work. That's another constant smell on the streets here! Other scents encountered during the day: dust, magic markers, movie theater, candles, and human waste to name a few. Lovely! The sniffer is on the prowl!
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