Sunday, August 18

...what can you offer...

Do you ever think about how riduculous money is? How were we all made to believe that simple pieces of paper and metal actually hold power, and are worth working for? It's a spell of mass proportions. What if we went back to trading object for object? I do not know if that would necessarily (is that how it's spelled?) be better, but just think for a second...What things would totally disappear if we did that? I have no clue. Would there still be people who made cars, or appliances, and what would you have to do for them in order to get one? To some, playing a heart breaking song might be worth thousands, but to others it could mean a years worth of crops, or free access to your body, or a baby, or a fantastic meal. It's all relative.
Do most people even know how to make anything anymore?! If it came down to it, would people re-learn to spin yarn again, weave fabric, and construct clothes? Would more people learn ceramics, or how to build things, or whatever? I guess money is convenient in that everyone has something they know how to do and they get paper for it to buy the things they do not know how to do, or the things they do, but just don't have time or energy to. Has money made us uncreative and lazy? It' s a vicious cycle of having to have it, even for basics, and having to work way too much for way too little.
What about the concept of plastic = money. What about the stock market? Our money isn't even physically backed by gold anymore...Imaginary, huge numbers. What was it that Nasa just lost track of in space?...something that cost them four BILLION to build! Did that money even change hands? I seriously doubt it. Man, we are so far gone. now you know what a Sunday morning of too much coffee can do to me. Actually this is part of my mind all of the time. I've got to go buy groceries...

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