...i am awake...
Cat in my lap, husband actually asleep before me, a productive day behind me, a bug just flew into view and I think I killed it - I'm not sure why, empty mason jar wanting to be full, bladder wanting to be empty, ol' clunky chugging away, barefeet patting on the linoleum, allergies found my forwarding address, heard some cicadas today!!! - didn't know they existed here at all, drew an anatomically correct eyeball to embroider on a pillow, did dishes to tool - one of the best bands ever, started a new book that Joan recommended - Empire Falls, been on a cooking jag, figured out part of an amelie song and a byrds song on the melodica, watched the teen choice awards while drinking wine and coffee, talked with my sleepy sister - today was her first day back teaching, prayin' for rain.
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