Saturday, September 4

...goodbye Tex...

My Mother and I found Daddad passed away in his house yesterday morning. She called me about ten o'clock saying that she had been trying him for half-an-hour on the phone, and was about ready to head over. We both had a sinking feeling. I met her at the house, and we went in together, calling his name. We found him on the floor beside the bed, and he had probably been there since sometime during the night. The rest of the day was spent with each other, Piper, Nick, and Jeremy, and dealing with phone calls, and other business of death stuff. It has taken awhile to melt in, and I'm not sure if it even fully has.

Thomas Lyman French, Jr. (Daddad) has played a very important role in my life. In some ways he was like a second father to me. We shared a passion for family history, chocolate, having a Coke together, and laughing among many other things. In lots of ways we were different, but I always loved him fiercely, and he will be greatly missed. I know, though, that he is probably happier wherever it is that his soul might be...hanging out with Mama, and other family. He lived a full ninety-two years. I love you, Daddad.

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