Monday, July 19

...been a long time since I rock and rolled...
These are busy times my friends. 
Christine and Evan's wedding came and went.  We had a really great weekend of hanging out with them, and their families and friends.  Being a bridesmaid was no sweat, and Jer and Mary played beautiful music during the ceremony.  Now Christine and Evan are away camping for the honeymoon, and I miss them!  We usually see them at least once a week...ah well...they deserve a nice vacation.  Congratulations you two!
I hung up some art I've been working on the last couple of months at Utrecht yesterday.  It gets to be up for a month!  I know it's not a crazy gallery show or anything, but I'm still excited about people being able to see it.  I have not shown anything since I was in college...
All of our precious yellow-pear cherry tomatoes have been eaten by some mysterious beastie.  That's our fault for not putting up fencing I suppose, but our pal Matt says it can happen even with some sort of barrier.  At least they have left the herbs, tomatillos, and gypsy peppers alone!

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