Friday, September 26

...i'm falling...

It's almost my birthday month! Yes, I declare the entire month of October as my own. This is absolutely my favorite time of year. I love that I can still wear summery clothes most of the time, but that at night I need to put on a sweater. Soups, chilis, stews and such are much tastier in the fall. Halloween is by far the best holiday, and this year we get to super decorate for it, and we should actually have kids that want to trick-or-treat at our place!

Today the first leaves started to fall from the trees, and I noticed at the tip tops of some that the leaves had turned. Fall makes me a little melancholy (spelling? one l right?) I know death and hibernation are coming for nearly everything. It's a chance to reflect and release things and hope to survive to be reborn in spring. I really like this aspect of fall. This is kind of a central theme to my name actually means "of the resurrection." I love the image of the phoenix, periodically going up in flames only to come back again to repeat the whole process. I suppose lots of people can relate to that, so I'm not saying it's a unique thing to me by any means. Hmmm. Enough reflection...let's go drink some warm apple cider...and eat donuts...mmm...donuts.

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