Saturday, May 10


Boppin' along 5th avenue with fresh food co-op purchases in my roll-y cart (mmm...kale, baby wild ramps, patty pan squash, avocado...and all organic) when what should overcome me...Portugal! I smelled grilling meat and sardines with a little salt rubbed on them. There was a slight breeze, perfect temperature...sigh...where are those lazy days? Though,these days are not bad...just different.

I also discovered that the woman on the corner a block away from our place who sells the fried meat pockets has ones with just cheese! Yay! I can partake in fried goodness too! And how good it was with a little Tapatio hot sauce sprinkled on. Maybe I should go down to the subway and see if the whole-mango-sliced-up-in-a-zip-lock-bag-with-a-fork people are there. I love street food!!!

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