...we are a peaceful people?!...
Uh, yeah...I must have forgotten how peaceful Americans or any other humans are. Excuse me while I go take a shower to rid myself of all the disgusting things my ears just took in listening to the president speak. I like to believe deep inside my core that humans are good, beautiful beings as are all other creatures...and I do come across things that reinforce this every day, but man...on the other hand..."Humans are a bad animal." This doesn't even come down to an American people issue with me (though I do not agree with many of our leaders) I think all people have that potential to be total hateful, greedy war monkeys. But...we can stop ourselves at any time. It frustrates me how many people there are in the world, how out-of-control this experiment, this life has gotten, but at the same time...that is what happens. "Things fall apart, the center cannot hold..." What do we do? More, more, more. What else can we do? Who is 'right'? What is 'right'? The right certainly doesn't have the answers, and I'm pretty sure the left doesn't have them either. So many differing opinions of what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. Who truly has the authority to say? I don't. Just because you are in a position of power and control does not mean that you do not die at some point like the rest of us. And that is the beauty...the unknown...of what is to happen here in our earthly lives and what happens when that no longer exists. So...what will I do? What will you do? I could really use a hug right now...I think the whole world could. Peace.
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