Monday, March 31

...the beauty of wind rippling through grass...

Jeremy and I went to see Spirited Away this afternoon seeing as how we missed it the first time it was in theaters. Japanese animation (in particular Miyazaki) is delightful! Incredibly beautiful! Makes me want to cry and laugh and sigh! I love it now, and I know I would have loved it as a child.

Wednesday, March 26

...smelled any good houses lately?...

As I settled into my seat on the A train this morning, I noticed the smell of boring soup permeating the whole car. I could not tell if it was coming from someone in particular, or if it is just what that section of the train smelled like. It made me think of how everyone's houses have different over-all odors. Many houses are fairly benign, but others are extremely distinct. That always fascinated me as a kid...I can't really describe my Mom's house as it was fairly mellow most of the time, but when she cooked fish...All I know is that I was getting picked up in high school one night by some friends to go to a show at school and I did not escape before she began cooking. It was fairly horrifying. So it goes...that's better than the litter box stench I am marinating in right now! The glories of trash night.

As we emerged from the Carrol Street stop, the train rickety-rackety-ing it's way to Smith and 9th, I discovered that while I had been underground half of the sky was that perfect shade of storm blue that looks even more fantastic with lightning streaking across. It gave me the power to feel as if I had summoned this storm and was in control of the wind. Every third molecule of air had a bite to it. Luckily I had Arizona scarf wrapped around me. I need a bit of the West these days. Torn between directions...why do all the landscapes have to be so good?! So now Jeremy is my hero and buying us tortilla chips and glorious fake cheese sauce so we can have a night of bean dip, avocado, electric cheese, and salad. Plus, he rented a movie! Plus, he is my favorite person to hang out with! It is a good night after a fine, but whatever day. look like a child and smell like a child...

Above...this is what Lola said to me yesterday. Interesting. Is this a good thing? I suppose!

The birds have been chasing each other around (look at the nest I built you...halt! check out my nest!) and everyone here in the city seems a bit happier as well as a little more loopy. I've seen many people with these disturbing, vacant eyes just walking down the street or standing on the subway while doing these bizarre smiles that go in and out. It's not even day-dreamy looking, it's just kind of creepy. Ah well.

Thursday, March 20

...where do you come from?...

Lying on the stairs coming up from the F platform at the 2nd Avenue stop is a small, black button with a piece of thread for a tail. Whose jacket is missing you, or do you come from pants...perhaps a shirt. Will they even notice you are gone? Will someone new pick you up? Maybe I should have, but I was surrounded by people when I noticed you. You remind me of my many clothes that are missing buttons...

Tuesday, March 18


Today I am calm. I am centered. I am ready for what the world has to offer on a global level as well as a personal one. Things are better because the weather has turned, it is light when I get off of work, I don't have to wear a coat, and the air (even in New York) smells fantastic!

Monday, March 17

...we are a peaceful people?!...

Uh, yeah...I must have forgotten how peaceful Americans or any other humans are. Excuse me while I go take a shower to rid myself of all the disgusting things my ears just took in listening to the president speak. I like to believe deep inside my core that humans are good, beautiful beings as are all other creatures...and I do come across things that reinforce this every day, but man...on the other hand..."Humans are a bad animal." This doesn't even come down to an American people issue with me (though I do not agree with many of our leaders) I think all people have that potential to be total hateful, greedy war monkeys. But...we can stop ourselves at any time. It frustrates me how many people there are in the world, how out-of-control this experiment, this life has gotten, but at the same time...that is what happens. "Things fall apart, the center cannot hold..." What do we do? More, more, more. What else can we do? Who is 'right'? What is 'right'? The right certainly doesn't have the answers, and I'm pretty sure the left doesn't have them either. So many differing opinions of what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. Who truly has the authority to say? I don't. Just because you are in a position of power and control does not mean that you do not die at some point like the rest of us. And that is the beauty...the unknown...of what is to happen here in our earthly lives and what happens when that no longer exists. So...what will I do? What will you do? I could really use a hug right now...I think the whole world could. Peace.

Friday, March 14

...the weekend approacheth...

I absolutely adore Fridays! No one is allowed to be in a bad least I'm never allowed! I never feel like it. They are somehow always sunnier, put a little more skip in your step. Work should be good...Christine is usually hyper and will jump around with me or play bumper cars with the big roll-y cushions we have (uhh...we only do it on Sundays though! boss!) Ron is there and makes you just want to stand around and talk. Rich is usually goofy. Michelle is in a good mood. And Lola is always good on Fridays because if she has all of her stars for the week she gets a small toy! Then, Jeremy is cooking an Indian feast tonight! I finally found a store that sells the onion relish that I ADORE and can endlessly eat. So...bought a container - fresh- bought some nan...have the simmer sauce of a saag persuasion waiting for some veggies and tofu to be added. Have the frozen samosa and the lovely onion relish, tamarind sauce, and mango chutney to be poured liberally on whatever it calls for. Mmmm...then it's printmaking time! Joy. Hope your Fridays are filled with fun people and good food as well.

Wednesday, March 12 for my eyes...

I bought a book of Michael Ondaatje's (the author who wrote "The English Patient") poetry entitled "The Cinnamon Peeler." What a joy it is to soak in this book! So beautiful. I thought I would share with you one of my favorites so far...

Near Elginburg

3 a.m. on the floor mattress.
In my pyjamas a moth beats frantic
my heart is breaking loose.

I have been dreaming of a man
who places honey on his forehead before sleep
so insects come tempted by liquid
to sip past it into the brain.
In the morning his head contains wings
and the soft skeletons of wasp.

Our suicide into nature.
That man's seduction
so he can beat the itch
against the floor and give in
move among the sad remnants
of those we have destroyed,
the torn code these animals ride to death on.
Grey fly on windowsill
white fish by the dock,
heaved like a slimy bottle into the deep,
to end up as snake
heckled by children and cameras
as he crosses lawns of civilization.

We lie on the floor mattress
lost moths walk on us
waterhole of flesh, want
this humiliation under the moon.
Till in the morning we are surrounded
by dark virtuous ships
sent by the kingdom of the loon.

-Michael Ondaatje

Wednesday, March 5

...came to an end, found a new beginning...

I had to say goodbye to Kristen (and Ben-who is very nice) this morning. It was sad...I enjoyed going out and doing stuff with them, but mainly the times we just got to hang out and talk, or make stuff (her knitting me drawing) or dance or cook or tickle. I'm glad she is going to where she is though. She is moving to West Virginia to small-scale farm. Yay!
So, this morning it was lightly raining on my whole journey to work. It was fairly warm out and just a little drizzly. I spent most of my time at the Dia today in the back entering on the web, so I did not know it had stopped till I broke for a roof-top coffee break. By the time I left at two, the day had turned a brilliant shade of sun striking through slightly grey, but mainly bright blue skies. I stuffed my hat, mittens and two scarves in my bag and enjoyed having my head exposed to the air. The weather today made me stand a little taller, walk with a more relaxed gait, and hold my head up - making eye contact and smiling a lot. I also looked up, up, up at the buildings I was walking by. You'd be surprised how much good stuff you can miss if you are always looking down or at eye level. My back and temperment were glad to take a sunny stretch and realize that things are not so wrong. There were lots of good smells on the street as well...lentil soup, laundry room air, honey roasted nuts, a city scrubbed a little more clean by the rains.