What a hectic, odd, strangely beautiful at times week it has been. Things at both jobs were fritzy - mass mail orders + other stuff, kids with flu and double ear infections. Plus I had a few encounters on the street that took me by surprise. One day I was headed to Lola's school and noticed a man walking towards me with two crutches. When we were about ten feet apart he suddenly yells, "Hey, don't step in that!" I instantly freeze, one foot suspended above the sidewalk and do a quick frontal scan, find nothing, so check in back thinking I may have already stepped in it. There is nothing there as well. Right as I realize this he says with a big smile,"Quit thinking so hard! Relax!" I did not say anything and we both kept on walking. About twenty paces afterwards I decided I should have said thanks...or at least smiled. The next day...I was just crossing 10th Ave. on 22nd Street right by the Dia when a man carrying a paper bag walks up saying, "Sock, hats, gloves." Seeing as how I generally ignore people selling things on the street and already was wearing all three of the things he was selling with plenty more at home, I just kept walking. He immediately said, "Alright, f**k n*****s." like that was what I was thinking. That certainly woke me up. Again, I said nothing and kept walking. Part of me wishes I had turned around and said,"Actually I don't need any of those things and it's not because you're African-American and I'm white. It's because I don't need them!!" but the other part just thought that I really don't feel like getting into a debate this early in the morning when all I want to do is get to work, eat my bagel and drink a little joe. Did I do the right thing, who knows, ah well. I wish people would get to know me before they decide who I am. (I was just reading this again and I thought I should add that it's not always other people who do this...I know I have done it myself...what makes us do it, I cannot say) Well...we all have our things.
I saw this dog I have seen before again. This time at the Union Square dog park instead of tied up in front of the Garden of Eden grocery store on 23rd. It's the tough looking black and white, kind of pit-bully or Spud's McKenzie type face, but in this humorously large green and ecru sweater! The first time I saw him I burst out laughing. And there he was again. I love running into the same people or animals throughout my days. I guess it's easy to when you have the same route daily, but often it is not even related to that. Who knew in a city of this size!
So...my dear friend Kristen who I have known since middle school is in a car at this moment, in New Jersey, headed for Brooklyn. She has Ben with her (who we have not met) and they are here for five days or so! Kristen is great. She hasn't been to New York since we went on a theater trip here our senior year. Fun! She's a good gal to travel with. It was her, Heather, and I (or is it me) who went to Australia together. Hmmm...I suppose I should help Jer finish last minute cleaning...
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