...are these those times...
Isn't it amazing that a simple CD can bring back such a rush of times, happy times, but now it just makes you almost kind of sad...I am alone in my apartment in Brooklyn on a Tuesday night, my feet are freezing regardless of how much blanket I wrap around them, and all I can think of listening to this music are friends who are no longer a part of my daily or even semi-daily routine. We are still friends...things just get busy, and no one lives nearby anymore...will this change when we move back to Kansas City? Or will I just long for Adam Kuban to leave a kooky message, or to see Corrie B at work, and to hang out with Adam and Angela, or to eat Chinese food with Bea? Don't get me wrong...even though I get wistful at times, I love now. I wouldn't trade any of my time with Jeremy for all the candy, or mixed tapes, or other great things in the world. He is so...sigh.(good sigh)
So, I am enjoying my time here as much as possible. I've been worrying too much lately. I forget that that has not worked for me in the past, so why should I bother to let it gain force now. My biggest concern for tomorrow...find my mittens, because my hands damn near froze today! That cold reached right into my teeth and shook all the way through every bone. It's sneaky, that cold.
Wow...the CDs just switched (from Tori to Tool!) Now I am in high school, in my room, painting my sandals and whatever else I can get my hands on. A cup of tea, my own phone line, incense, a stereo...or it could be me now, considering I still listen to Tool all the time!
Yay...Jeremy walked in from tunin' class. Screw you guys! Just kidding... can you believe his classes are over next Tuesday? Maybe you didn't even know that...or maybe...
I'm a total freak!
Alright, sorry to leave you for my man, but he's distracting and I like to hang out with him. Adios.
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